This was how the famous Sheldon Cooper tried to modify the equally famous game of rock paper scissors. The result was "rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock" (RPSLS). Undoubtedly, for the 187 IQ points genius, this would easily solve the problem of picking the same option between the competing player. Ironically, it didn't. Because more than ever, he and and his bunch of genius friends (but not as nutty as he was, mind you, or not?) always seemed to pick Spock and all arguments ensuing the RPSLS were not settled and more arguments arose. Pathetic, aren't they, their bunch? But anyhow, they capture my attention and being a couch potato that I am, I sat with awe and gusto watching them on the idiot box.
The story revolved around two geniuses cum roommates cum bestfriends Leonard and Sheldon. Their uber coherent, numbered and labeled (literally with Sheldon's labeling all of the things in their apartment ) world was shaken when the vacant apartment accross their hall was rented out and occupied by a beautiful blonde (who was not able to go to college or community college for that matter)whose goal was after six months of transferring from Omaha, Nebraska to Pasadena, California, would become a movie star or a TV star at least. Their comic combination added with two University friends who were as geek as Leonard and Sheldon can be (Howard and Radjesh) was an ensemble I think one could not get enough of.
Witty openings and hilarious ending with so much laughter in between would defintiely make you root for the poor Leonard and shake your head in exasperation in apparent cluelessness of Sheldon in sarcasm all around him.
I am unpaid, this is no advertisement, I was just sharing the goofiness around. Maybe it was just because somehow I can relate to the characters as I am geek myself. But surely, in all of us, there is some drop of geekiness inside that would render this sitcom watched with fervor and gusto.
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