Yep, you read it right. Well, no, we're not dwelling on the insanity part because as you all know that I'm a bit insane, it wouldn't strike you as interesting. Rather let's factor out the Valentine's thingy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the BookGeek, aka Scribbler, that little mongrel of plain absurdity and crooked philosophy, that piece of denuded humor and overworked fantasy, that little piece of scum, yes, your yours truly, the one and only me, was chosen among throngs of more eligible or let's just say more appropriate guys to take part on the infamous searcher-searchee game. Hurray! Seemingly I passed on as a specie worth to be recognized as a potential match! Although as I would later point out to myself, it just so happened that I am a newbie in our group and hence I need to be initiated to the clique and what's more fun than have me as a guinea pig on the charade of "pick-up" game? Poor poor soul. That highly inflated balloon that was my ego (on finally being picked as a searchee) was suddenly burst into smithereens by my less atrocious self.

What's more hilarious was that I actually won. Whoops, sorry, kindly contain yourself for a little bit more. Throw bags are yet to be distributed.

I won! Yes Virginia, it's a fact: I exist! Haha, I had to laugh at the seeming paradox of standing beside a cute girl while all I want to do is while away.
Don't get me wrong. She's hot. But I could not just help laughing at myself. Geek-o-meter: gazilion bits turned into a veritable date. What an irony!
Now, now. I am not being harsh to myself; I could point out a good quality or two in me and I definitely know things on the art of dating. I had few experiences myself so yeah. I fancy myself as a humor guy when I am on date. But how can one humor a girl while dating on a spa?
LOL. Yep, we, both of us, won GC's for Spa treatment and we're supposed to do it together. But as it is, the work is tying us down already. Busy points at either ends. So guys I would just like to know what are your thoughts? How should I carry on the date @ the spa? It'd be a first time for me to do it in Spa and I honestly dunno how to do it.
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